04 July 2009

Thank you Palin...

... for leaving.

I have debated on what I should write about Palin for the past day. A big part of me said, "You know what, she's a human being. And if you're going to write about her, you should treat her with respect." But another part of me said, "She's a public figure. Public figures should be treated differently. You are allowed to be hyper critical."

The second part of me won.

Now you should know something about me. I am not a dyed in blue liberal. I don't listen to how celebrities tell me how to vote. In fact, I hate it when celebrities act like we should listen to them. I hate Fox News along with CNN and MSNBC.

What I'm trying to say is that, although I LOVE Obama... it's not like I have dug in my heels within the Democratic Party. If Eisenhower were to run, I'd vote for him.

But back to the main point. I am so glad she's leaving. She just irked me. She wasn't very intelligent. Not very politically savvy. It seemed like she just loved the spotlight.

I have to tell you. The Republican Party in general is taking a beating. How can anyone still be Republican? The party of the religious right is scandalized with adultery, kickbacks, corruption, and lies. In a way I want to Republican again, but how can I. The party is so far away from representing my values.

Also, the Republican Party is not even conservative. Under Bush, we saw incredible fiscal irresponsibility. And the moral standing of the party is in jeopardy.

So I will keep voting democrat, but I welcome the return of an actual Conservative (capital C, like William F. Buckley) party.


tara said...

People still vote Republican because it's the CLOSEST party to align with their values. I don't think one intelligent repub would say the party is ideal. I hate GOP reps and senators and much as I hate the democrats. They're both to blame for the crumbling of the nation.

I'm still confused - are you saying that you would align with a true conservative party? Because you seem to like being a Democrat, and if you love Obama (why?) then joining a truly conservative party seems unlikely for you.

But I could be wrong.

Marge Bjork said...

i maintain that I'm an anarchist