13 May 2009

Wait, wait, wait...

I watched something interesting today. And I want to explain what I felt. When I watched the Story of Stuff, I initially felt "This is just a radical environmental agenda." and "Are they showing this to kids? This is way too political. It is going to make parents angry." And arguably, I am pretty left leaning politically.

But the message of the video rings true. It is unarguable. Industrialized nations over-consume. Is this not true? I'm not saying go back to living in straw huts. I'm saying, is every dollar you spend necessary. Is every dollar you spend at least on things you really, really want? Or sometimes are you buying, just for the sake of buying: over-consuming.

That specific message is one that Republicans and Democrats, not corporations, can all agree with. We all need to save more money. And by doing so, we are actually helping the environment. I know that I unnecessarily consume... and I am LDS. Of all religions, we should know that owning stuff doesn't bring us happiness. I have never seen that in the Book of Mormon or the Sunday School manuals. Unlike many churches today equivocating righteous living with boats, cars, and houses.

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