01 May 2007

FRONTLINE American Experience: Mormons | PBS

FRONTLINE American Experience: Mormons | PBS

Absolutely fantastic! That is my review of this PBS special on the Mormons. Fantastic! It summed up perfectly how I feel about my religion. Which basically is summed up by this:

There are tough issues that the church has to deal with like homosexuality, blacks and the priesthood, lack of archaeological data which supports Book of Mormon events and people, plus a few others. BUT in my mind it does not stop it from being true.

I think that's what the program presented, almost. It at least portrayed the church as an institution that does incredible good in the lives of most members, along with many who are not members, BUT is only just that, an awesome "invention".

However, I don't think the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is just an good "invention" I truly believe it is a restoration of Jesus Christ's gospel. I could write PAGES more about my feelings on this subject (not necessarily my testimony, BUT about how I reconcile the quirks and gospel together in faith).

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