19 April 2007

Why Mitt Romney Will Win the Republican Primary?

Jacksonville.com: Opinion: Watch out for Mitt Romney

You heard it right. Watch out for Mitt Romney. I won't be so bold as to say he will win the primary BUT I will be so bold as to say Rudy Giuliani has NO chance of winning the Republican Primary.

I'm frustrated that Romney has flip flopped to now being pro-life, pro-NRA, and anti-gay marriage. Not so much because I think their are invalid arguments to have such opinions but it's a shame that the Republican ticket is based on such trivial matters and that Romney has given into it.

However, if that's what it takes then so be it. I can only see great things happening in domestic affairs if he became president. Romney has a great track record in turning things to gold. Check out his biography.

Here's the summary of the article that started this rant:

"Yes, McCain has name identification. And unannounced candidates Fred Thompson and Newt Gingrich could capture Republican voters desperate to re-establish the party's pre-George W. Bush philosophical ground.

You can take this to the bank: Romney will end up being the man they all have to beat. He will spend his mountain of money on television, and that will allow him to hide his ultra-sophisticated personality from those wary of having an urbane president.

Once he's known, he'll have the might of the GOP's old guard behind him."

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