24 March 2009

AIG: I don't know

Bernanke, Geithner Testify On AIG For Congress

If there is one thing I don't have a handle on, it is the financial crisis. Sure I can appreciate it to some degree: we were living in an inflated economy where our actual growth was not able to afford our debt.

At least that's what I think is going on to a small degree.

So with that thinking, the conservative part of me jumps out "Why should we try and inflate our ecomony to its previous level again? Is this unrealistic?" But then the leftist part of me comes out, "Hurrary! Increased education and healthcare spending!" (check out the government's new website).

So here's my opinion on the financial crisis. To me, the problem is consumer confidence. Eventually we'll pull out of it one people are more willing to start spending. But even so, I think it would be wise for us to stay out of unnecessary debt. Either way, I'm glad that the government is injecting more money into education and stepping into health care. I think the majority of the recent stimulus package is going to good causes and will help things.

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