14 August 2007

Computerizing Health Records

Google and Microsoft Look to Change Health Care

As we approach the 2008 election year we are bound to hear bold promises concerning health care reform. What do the people want? Lower costs and greater access. I have some suggestions:

1) Just as the linked article above shows, we need to computerize records and create a better infrastructure for sharing information. Such a system will help us better monitor our health and eliminate costly paperwork that is much too common in our hospitals.

2) Reform medicare. What exactly are our goals concerning medical care? Do we want all to have sufficient access and manageable payments? Then lets make a committed effort to allowed increased government funds to actually reach the end of the row! Elminate costly administration.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is quite an intriguing subject. As a matter of fact, it is the source of multiple stigmas and interrogations that one will eventually come to the knowledge of. Great insights.