01 June 2007

Intelligent design has place in science lessons

Intelligent design has place in science lessons, says CofE | News crumb | EducationGuardian.co.uk

I would love to hear what any readers of this think about intelligent design. Personally, I don't like the idea at all IF treated as a science. I argue my opinion based on two ideas. First, I think it is ignorance to just treat the unexplainable in science as something we'll NEVER understand. Secondly, I believe there are dogmatic beliefs within intelligent design that are against my religious beliefs and others.

I definitely believe God created this world, but as some of you know I am very convinced of evolutionary mechanism. Natural selection, genetic drift, and and gene flow are all ideas that are very agreeable to me. I don't think the fossil record is a result of gathering materials from other worlds. I see nothing insulting about thinking that humans evolved from a lesser form (see human vestigial organs). Basically I believe God is the master scientist.

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