28 May 2007

League tables and the NHS | Top of the class | Economist.com

League tables and the NHS | Top of the class | Economist.com

Is it wrong to provide National Health Care? It seems many on the right wing, and some on the left, say "Yes". However, what is the logical reasoning behind it?

Most of the time the answer to this question comes in the form of "long lines" to health care and then "poor quality" of health care when you get there. However, America is continually ranked lower than developed countries with single-payer health care systems. My question is then, why do seemingly most Americans dislike single-payer health care? Are the people making these reports biased? I can't honestly give a completely researched opinion on this matter, however, I can say that I truly do believe that no one should have to be burdened with the cost of medical attention so much that it leads to longterm debt. It should be a cost shouldered by the public. Profiteers and corporations should have no place in treating people in dire illness.

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